Women Need More Protein As They Age

Women Do Not Take Enough Protein

Protein is one of the three macronutrients essential for human health, alongside carbohydrates and fats. Protein plays a crucial role in almost every biological process within the body. From supporting muscle growth and repair to aiding in immune function and hormone regulation. The significance of protein cannot be overstated.

As women gracefully journey through the different stages of life, their nutritional needs undergo significant shifts, with protein emerging as a key player in maintaining optimal health and vitality. While protein remains essential for everyone, its importance escalates for women as they age. This is due to a myriad of factors, including hormonal changes, metabolic shifts, and the natural aging process itself.

Studies show that one in two older adults do not meet their protein requirements for their age in Singapore. This is despite the fact that most older adults tend to eat better quality meals than younger adults, and meet their recommended intake for wholegrains, fruits and vegetables.

Key Health Risks With Insufficient Protein

As a woman age, her body requires roughly 50% more protein than a younger adult to better preserve muscle mass, bone health and strength to maintain a certain quality of life.

The loss of muscle mass, or sarcopenia, may start as early as at the age of 40. By including enough protein in our diet, women will be able to slow the onset of sarcopenia, and upkeep our everyday activities, such as walking, grocery-shopping, and meeting friends. Once sarcopenia sets in, it is irreversible.

Loss in muscle mass increases the risk of falls and bone fractures. Inadequate protein intake may also compromise bone health, and increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. These would reduce the quality of life.


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